Rainy days


My favourite kinds of people are the ones who smile when it’s raining.

The memories flood me. Dancing in the rain and favourite songs, movie nights with gentle patter behind the soundtrack, power gone out and uncontrollable laughter.

A moment in time, stretched, immortal.

My heart dances with the rain. Moves with the wind. Whirls and chases after the leaves that float away.

It beats in time with the rain, which knocks on my window as it goes down. A greeting. A goodbye.

Rumbles echo, like laughter. Clouds turn to silver linings.

Hours later, when the sky finally clears, and the sun peeks out, I stare at the droplets streaking down my window.

My lips turn up. Maybe today, I’ll find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.



Nayantara Narayanan

“If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.”